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Turn your PDF's into Elegant Online eBooks

Turn your existing PDF files into Elegant online eBooks or get Started with a brand new DoBook!

Stunning Designs!

Let our team of creative designers create your next Company Profile, Menu, Flyer, Brochure, Booklet, Magazine and more

Check out FAQ

What is a DoBook?

A DoBook is a PDF file that has been converted into a pageable eBook.

Is the Design included?

No. You send us your PDF file, we convert it and send you back a link.

How much does it cost to create a DoBook?

For existing PDFs, in other words if you already have a company profile, menu, flyer, catalogue or any other compatible PDF, prices are as follows:

1 to 8 Pages – R1,500

8 to 16 pages – R2,500

16 to 32 page – R3,500

More than 32 pages – Contact us for a quote

Can you Design my Company Profile or other booklet?

Yes! Our team of graphic designs can make you an awesome eBook. Our rate is R350 per page with a minimum order of 4 pages. 

How many pages are in a DoBook?

DoBooks work in multiples of 4, with 4 being the minimum amount of pages. The 1st page is your cover page and usually the back page contains your contact details. 

How much info can I fit into a DoBook?

Generally you can add as much detail as you want. However we recommend keeping information on each page short in order to have a greater impact.

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